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Field Types - .NET SDK

On this page

  • Overview
  • .NET Types
  • MongoDB.Bson Types
  • Guid and ObjectId Properties
  • Using Decimal Values
  • Realm-Specific Types

The .NET SDK supports three categories of data types:

  • .NET types

  • MongoDB.Bson types

  • Realm-Specific types

To learn how specific data types are mapped to BSON types in an App Services Schema, refer to Data Model Mapping in the Atlas App Services documentation.

Realm supports the following .NET data types and their nullable counterparts:

  • bool

  • byte

  • short

  • int

  • long

  • float

  • double

  • decimal

  • char

  • string

  • byte[]

  • DateTimeOffset (note: Realm converts DateTimeOffset values to UTC before storing in the database and does not store the timezone information. See Issue #1835 for more information.)

  • Guid

  • IList<T>, where T is any of the supported data types (see Lists)


The byte, char, short, int, and long types are all stored as 64 bit integer values within Realm.

  • ObjectId

  • Decimal128

MongoDB.Bson.ObjectId is a MongoDB-specific 12-byte unique value, while the built-in .NET type Guid is a 16-byte universally-unique value. Both types are indexable, and either can be used as a Primary Key.

Realm supports 128-bit decimal values with the Decimal128 Bson type. When defining a decimal type, you can use the Decimal128 Bson type or the .NET decimal type, even though it is only a 96-bit decimal. The SDK automatically converts between the two, although you risk losing precision or range. The following example shows how to use both the Decimal128 Bson type and the .NET decimal type:

public class MyClassWithDecimals
public ObjectId _id { get; } = ObjectId.GenerateNewId();
// Standard (96-bit) decimal value type
public decimal VeryPreciseNumber { get; set; }
// 128-bit Decimal128
public Decimal128 EvenMorePreciseNumber { get; set; }
public Decimal128 AnotherEvenMorePreciseNumber { get; set; }
// Nullable decimal or Decimal128 are supported, too
public decimal? MaybeDecimal { get; set; }
public Decimal128? MaybeDecimal128 { get; set; }
public void DoDecimalStuff()
var myInstance = new MyClassWithDecimals();
// To store decimal values:
realm.Write(() =>
myInstance.VeryPreciseNumber = 1.234567890123456789M;
myInstance.EvenMorePreciseNumber = Decimal128.Parse("987654321.123456789");
// Decimal128 has explicit constructors that take a float or a double
myInstance.EvenMorePreciseNumber = new Decimal128(9.99999);

Any class that implements RealmObject or EmbeddedObject can contain a RealmObject subclass and/or an Embedded Objects subclass. In addition, Realm supports the following custom types:


Supported Data Types


Results Collections